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Sleeping can be a form of meditation if done in excess of the body's requirements. If you persist in sleeping after the body's requirements for rest are over, someone inside you remains aware and becomes a witness of all that is happening around you. This article explores the relationship between sleeping and meditation.

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Learn how to improve your sleep and overcome insomnia by following a sleep routine. Discover simple tricks to maintain the quality of sleep and avoid the need for sleeping tablets or pills. Start by being punctual with your alarm clock and sticking to a consistent sleep schedule.

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Insomnia affects one in ten people in the UK and is more common with age. Stress and anxiety are common causes. Sleeping tablets are recommended for short-term treatment, but come with risks. Neurologist Professor Mark Mahowald warns of the potential for complex activities to occur while part of the brain is awake and another is not. It's important to ask questions before choosing a sleep medicine.

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